Drivers with ADHD 2X more likely to be involved in car crashes
Drivers with ADHD 2X more likely to be involved in car crashes
A new study shows that older adults with ADHD are two times more likely to be involved in car crashes than their age mates without ADHD.
ADHD is usually more associated with children and young adults. And actually, the prevalence of ADHD decreases with age. But this new research further emphasizes why we need to be mindful and address ADHD even as young patients advance in years.
Moreover, the car crash issue doesn't end with older adults.
Older studies have shown an association between ADHD and driving safety risks among young adults.
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a severe neurodevelopmental and mental health disorder with inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity as its major symptoms. Given these symptoms, it's not hard to see why there's an issue of driving safety among patients.
Older drivers with ADHD report being involved in hard-braking and traffic ticket incidents, as well as auto crashes.
The study data
The researchers followed 2832 drivers aged 65-79 years for 44 months.
ADHD increased the risk of hard-braking incidents by 7%, self-reported traffic ticket incidents by 102%, and self-reported car crashes by 74%.
If we account for incidents that are not self-reported, we can presume that the numbers will be higher.
One thing is certain: ADHD can impact your life and daily activities. While the symptoms may seem like something that comes and goes momentarily, if you live with ADHD, you already know how disruptive it can be to otherwise regular activities—like learning and driving.
No one should be afraid to take the wheel. Not if the disorder can be managed effectively.
If you're experiencing ADHD symptoms, whether you're a young or older adult, it's in your best interest—and for your safety—to get help.
At Hope Mental Health, we can evaluate your situation, affirm if what you're experiencing is indeed ADHD, and provide pharmacotherapy to help you manage the condition and improve your quality of life.